While Nobel Peace Laureate Jimmy Carter tries to frighten black Floridians with whole-cloth stories of disenfranchisement," Soros-funded "grassroots" fellow travelers are doing something concrete about voter fraud: signing up non-existent citizens around the nation.
"As Hugh Hewitt says, If It's Not Close They Can't Cheat, but they will try to cheat. You can help stop them," writes Bill Hobbs of Hobbs Online [via InstaPundit], who's setting up Voter Fraud Central for news reports and blog posts that turn the spotlight on incidences of election fraud and attempted election fraud:
I have set up a special GMail account for this project, voterfraud-at-gmail.com.
If you spot a story about election fraud, please send an email to that email address. The email should include the source of the story, the date the story ran, the Internet link and a brief summary. Bloggers, if you have blogged a story about election fraud, please send me the link.
We've sent along our post re Cleveland unplain dealing from the other day: "We've seen voter fraud before, but never on this level"
Here's another way to forestall cheating by making sure it's not close. Today is Wictory Wednesday, when hundreds of bloggers ask their readers to donate to an important Republican Senate campaign. This week we're looking North to Alaska, where incumbent Lisa Murkoski is in a tight race with former Democrat Tony Knowles. PoliPundit explains:
The race is tight only because Knowles claims to be a "moderate." You know what that means, don’t you? If he gets to the Senate, he’ll raise your taxes, cut defense spending, block President Bush’s judicial nominations, hug Michael Moore and run for re-election every 6 years as a "moderate."
Don’t let this happen! We don’t need one more “moderate” Democrat in the US Senate for the next 30 years. You can help Murkowski by donating to her campaign today.