Emmy of Emmy's New Weblog deleted us from her blogroll today. She was the first ever to blogroll us and will be forever treasured in our heart. A young gal in Belgium. We had nothing in common but our love cats. Feeling wicked bad about it. She never said a word. We think it was something too personal we said in a comment on her site. 'Will never comment ever ever again on any blog. It has been our downfall. Goodbye, dear lovely girl.
Update: Hissy fit over. Can you say melodramatic and all-about-me?
Ah hell, if I got deleted from every blog where I made a screwed up comment, I'd have a blogroll of myself.
Posted by: Sharp as a Marble | September 28, 2004 at 10:00 PM
Comment, don't stop at my blog. Hey, I got deleted from a blog I helped with a WordPress install. Did I feel bad? Yes. Did I get over it? Yes. I'm sure people think I deleted theirs when I only show a few per category on the main page. I have a links page for the rest, well over 1000. I can't get to visiting all of them daily so if I don't visit, sometimes I get dumped. That happens. Don't worry, I won't delete you and you are a daily read, one of the few.
Posted by: mog | September 28, 2004 at 10:52 PM
What a coincidence, I JUST blogrolled you a few days back, and I thought then that I should’ve done it a long time ago.
Then I read this post.
Ya lose some, ya win some.
Posted by: Jeff | September 29, 2004 at 12:27 PM
Posted by: Sissy Willis | September 29, 2004 at 01:35 PM