Santa's Workshop, where "Grandma Elf" Bette Conrad is sewing stockings "that will be filled by loving hands here at home, and sent to the sandbox where they will be passed out at Christmas by Gunnery Sgt. Santa stand-ins," reports Deb of Marine Corps Moms
Even as a hysterical Dan Rather implodes over his reckless promulgation on CBS's Sixty Minutes II Wednesday night of Bush-smearing documents supposedly written by GW's military commander in the early 1970's and now shown by truth-seeking bloggers to be probable forgeries, the good folk of Marine Corps Moms are keeping the homefires burning for their loved ones in harm's way in Iraq, the First Battalion, Seventh Marines, whose bravery and sacrifice make the world safe for self-absorbed prima donnas like Rather & Company (yes, you, New York Times and Boston Globe editors) to pursue their hate-driven obsession with bringing down the Leader of the Free World.
The Marine Corps Moms are seeking sponsoring "platoon parents" (individuals, church groups, clubs, employee organizations, etc.) to coordinate Christmas for a group of 30-40 Marines*
We will provide Christmas stockings and guidelines for making Christmas a merry occasion. The program parameters call for each Marine in the platoon to receive an individual Christmas stocking filled with wrapped gifts -- toiletries, candy, games, tools, etc . . .
If you'd like to be part of this project, download the Operation Santa flyer for 1/7 Marines here. If you are willing to adopt a platoon, e-mail [email protected] for guidelines and suggestions. We'll send you enough stockings for your platoon and guidelines for the outreach. And, if you can sew stockings, we'll send you a pattern and directions.
*We won't leave out our Jewish and Muslim Marines. A companion outreach will ensure that they are included in an overall gesture of friendship from home.
The photo above of lovingly sewn Christmas stockings brought tears to our eyes. Operation Santa is God's work, a powerful antidote to Dan Rather's blustering biliousness.
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