Oh, my goodness. All about me. 'Just found a link in our Site Meter stats to this post from The Big Trunk at PowerLine and are in a swoon:
Sissy Willis is the proprietor of the excellent SISU site. She wrote me yesterday about the source of a quote I had attributed to Mark Twain; she thought it was attributable to Winston Churchill. She has now followed up on the question in her post "Mark Twain would have been a blogger" and ruled in favor of Twain
Martin Luther King delivering his "I have a dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial August 28, 1963
Revisiting Twain's commonsensical words re the relative speed of lies and truth, we recalled and were re-angered at the willfully stupid demonizing in recent years of Huckleberry Finn -- one of the great reads of our youth -- as racist, when it is, in fact, the exact opposite and way ahead of its time in terms of judging folk, in Martin Luther King Jr.'s words, not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Blame it on multiculturalism's mostly below-the-radar infiltration of the public-school curriculum. As we blogged not long ago:
But it isn't a case of dhimmitude per se. The textbook companies take the path of least resistance, responding to the squeakiest wheels.
And, quoting George Archibald in The Washington Times in another post:
Publishers acknowledge having buckled since the early 1980s to so-called multicultural "bias guidelines" demanded by interest groups and elected state boards of education that require censorship of textbook content to accommodate feminist, homosexual and racial demands.
Will the statists bring us down by a thousand unkind cuts? Or is this an opportunity for Jeff Jarvis's "Blog Boy" to swoop in and save the day?
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