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« Caught in the glare of the wrong side of history | Main | Tart and soul »

July 09, 2004


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Ok, lemmee make sure I have this straight. Some fascist terrorist a-holes blow up a bunch of our people, the world over, for - how many years now? - and finally land the BIG ONE right here on OUR turf. We respond with force, determination, and will, to protect ourselves, and suddenly have fostered "a deep hatred of Americans in the Muslim world"?????

I can't shake the sneaking suspicion that it has existed for quite some time...

"Our standing in the world has never been lower..." I have real problems with that. We have never been scarier to the rest of the world, maybe; at least since the cold war, but that's just because the ROW sees all of a sudden some resolve, some stick-to-it-iveness that's been lacking since Vietnam, and it interferes with the European drive towards utopian socialism.

Maybe we oughta just evict the worthless, toothless UN, seal the borders, pull our heads into our shells, let these jerks flounder on with their bound-to-fail new world order, and still be around to pick up the pieces when it all goes down in flames. Or, more likely, up in flames.

But it just ain't the American Way, now, is it? Helping the helpless, it's what we do. Too bad we can't clue the clueless.

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