"Little Boy" mushroom cloud over Hiroshima, August 6, 1945
Geez. We think we beat Drudge (source MoveOn.org, Center for American Progress) on this one, thoroughly blogged in these parts just over a week ago here, not to mention three months earlier here (see also previous post):
At a New York press conference this coming Monday, four former FOXNews employees will go on the record to expose Fox's persistent Republican partisan bias, while releasing internal memorandums from FOXNews Channel showing executive level instructions to Fox on how to bias the news.
The four Fox whistleblowers appear, along with three others, in Robert Greenwald's new documentary "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism," excerpts of which will be shown at the news conference. The film is a devastating indictment of the FOXNews Channel's purposeful disinformation in the pursuit of partisan objectives. Also at the news conference, Common Cause and MoveOn will outline their forthcoming campaign OUTFOX, starting with thousands of house parties to show the film taking place on Sunday, July 18th.
On Tuesday, media are invited to the official film premiere and to a panel on media consolidation and reform hosted by The Center for American Progress, with media authors and critics such as Arianna Huffington and Eric Alterman.
Taking a backward look at what we had blogged about all this previously, we found this gem of a quotation from our own Senior Senator from Taxachusetts:
["Uncovered"] is a devastating analysis of the abuses and distortions of intelligence used by the Bush administration in making its case for the war in Iraq. If the American people and Congress had been told the whole truth, America would have never gone to war.
Can you say mantra? Isn't that exactly the party line the good Senator Jay from West Virginia, ranking member of the Select Intelligence Committee, mouthed yesterday at the press conference re the "global intelligence failure" report promulgated (Word Wealth, don't you know?) yesterday?
Oh, and about those "thousands of house parties to show the film taking place on Sunday, July 18th," your timing is way off, guys. Armageddon is next Thursday, July 15, the 905th anniversay of the day when Jerusalem fell to the Crusaders. If you had been paying attention to Osama's tapes -- not to mention this blog -- you would have scheduled the house parties for THIS Sunday, you simpletons!
Hey Sissy-
FYI - that Ted Kennedy quote is from months ago. We shipped Uncovered to every member of Congress, and had several very well attended screenings for staffers last fall. Looks like it made an impact.
Posted by: Jim Gilliam | July 10, 2004 at 01:26 PM
Good for you, Jim, promulgating the ideas you believe in. As Voltaire is alleged to have said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Is this a great country, or what? :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | July 10, 2004 at 02:16 PM
and thanks!
Posted by: Jim Gilliam | July 10, 2004 at 09:13 PM