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« Allawi doesn't negotiate with terrorists | Main | Be still, my foolish heart »

July 24, 2004


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And that is why the Earth is shaped like a banana. Bwah!

Do you seriously not know that selective breeding is not the same thing as genetic modification?

GM is just a high-tech version of selective breeding, you silly. And watch your tone, sir. It's not becoming.

GM is just a high-tech version of selective breeding, you silly.

No, it isn't. The only thing GM and selective breeding have in common is that the desired end result are the same.

I don't know if there is a danger to GM, but given the fact that science has overlooked or been completely unaware of dangers in the past, I can agree that this field must be approached cautiously.

And watch your tone, sir. It's not becoming.

Sorry, but the only thing worse than junk science is a junk rebuttal. If you don a tinfoil hat before writing about something, be expected to be called on it.

I don my tinfoil hat as appropriate, which see:


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