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« MSNBC viewers get it | Main | Monkey business blamed on Bush »

July 24, 2004


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Peace only comes when those of good will demonstrate the power to eliminate those fanatics who wish to make us all live as they see fit.

those fanatics who wish to make us all live as they see fit.

Isn't that exactly what Bush is doing?

"those fanatics who wish to make us all live as they see fit.

Isn't that exactly what Bush is doing?"

Actually that would be the politically correct, oh so sensitive left.

Oh my word. Mr. Bush is doing what any person who can think in common-sense terms would do. Fight them. Do NOT cave in to childish demands. Kill them when you can, where you can. And finally, change them - drag them, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century. Where the rest of the world (well, most of it) already is living.

"Hey, guys? Welcome to the human race. Wanna join?"

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