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« The smallest feline is a masterpiece, Part eleventy-two | Main | 9/11 committee report: Hire more evil people »

July 23, 2004


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I agree, Sissy. However - there are times when the little critters become hazardous, and you just have no choice...

Couple years ago, my factory (which produces stuff for the pharmaceutical industry) became infested with squirrels in the ceiling of the warehouse. One of these critters had a HUGE tumor on his neck, and scared the bejeezus out of us...what the heck was he carrying? We named him "Tumor Squirrel", and he eluded capture for a few months - 'til he died. Pee-ew!

Also had skunks and 'coons haunting my door when I was working nights - you never know who has rabies, or whatever...just take your love of animals with a love of common sense, coupled with the fact that your life - and the life of your family - is more important than the life of the "cute little critter", and act accordingly.

"... a person of good will, reveres animals as fellow travelers in life's journey" — Amen!

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