”Totalitarianism is not possible unless you erase the past," said radio host Dennis Prager as he spoke before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting room to protest the plans for removing the cross from the county seal [via LGF]. We were reminded, of course, of the ongoing Wahhabist vandalizing and demolishing of historical Muslim monuments in Saudi Arabia -- as noted yesterday by Rob A of Fine? Why Fine? -- not to mention the obscene Taliban destruction, shortly before 9/11, of those ancient giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan.
We remember the visceral feeling of repulsion at the images of the Buddha statues being blown up. Okay. We think we have some clue as to why these insecure men hate and fear and then project their hatred and fear onto women. But hatred and fear of buildings? Dennis Prager's comment re erasing the past is the answer, of course. That is how the totalitarian mind works. It is human nature -- and its cultural products celebrating human nature -- that they hate and fear.
The Cool Blue Blog had some interesting thoughts about the misogynous aspect of Islamicist totalitarianism the other day: "When men try to control women, they are demonstrating their own weakness in this regard":
I think there is a correlation with supression of sexuality and violence; in other words the more sexually repressive the society, the more violent it is.
Lao Tzu once said that the strongest of men were those who could control themselves.
Needless to say, we are encouraged by the struggle of those Canadian Muslim women against efforts to subject them to sharia law, as noted by Robert Spencer of Dhimmi Watch. 'Just caught this perfect coda, an observation made by a Turkish writer of the 19th Century, quoted by Middle East scholar Bernard Lewis in a recent Milt Rosenberg conversation linked over at Milt's File: "At best, we [Muslim societies] treat our women like jewels or musical instruments. The result is that our society is like a human body that is paralyzed on one side."
I never thought of it before, but Prager is absolutely correct. Destroy the moorings of a culture, and those who now believe in nothing will welcome the standard which their Hitler holds forth. Our sick liberal Judiciary is doing its part to cast us adrift.
Posted by: goomp | June 10, 2004 at 08:59 AM
Re: goomp's comment:
No fascist regime has ever come in to place without a religious face. The mooring of the US is not religion but democracy. The founding fathers purposely wrote for separation of the church and state because of the repression they had suffered as a result of the state church in England--a state church that was 'christian'.
Posted by: Rebecca | February 13, 2011 at 02:40 PM