"I know I'm a Dr. Pangloss," writes Roger L. Simon, 'but these guys hearten me":
Don't forget to read Zeyad (Healing Iraq) and Omar (Iraq the Model) today for information on the situation over there not appearing in the mainstream media. Zeyad has the clearest analysis I have read of the new government. He understands the role of the tribes in a way no Western reporter could (or any that I know of), so his views on the Iraqi President are more interesting and probably more valid than what you will read here. Omar has an interesting link to more info on the oil situation and possible positive benefits.
They don't seem to have an ax to grind other than positive hopes for the future of their country. Maybe this intervention wasn't such a bad idea after all. Fortune, they say, favors the daring.
And Allah, Islamicists notwithstanding, favors the compassionate. Just check out Robert Bolt's "Lawrence of Arabia" script.
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