"Let me just say as a veteran—and one with some experience in military affairs—that you don’t just pull up to a beach and expect to trot into Europe," says John Kerry in Victor Davis Hanson"s "Our Look Back at Normandy":
And I will add as well, as I have on previous occasions, that this was the worst planned American operation in our entire history. As is the custom in this hallowed nation, someone now, some person, has to, must, and should be held accountable for this mess. In my capacity as a leader in foreign affairs in the Senate, I have with all candor tried to tell this administration to slow down and get the League of Nations back into the peace process. But as I have repeatedly warned, when you unilaterally go off to invade some continent, this is what you get.
"This entire disaster was cooked up in Hyde Park," adds Teddy Kennedy:
The British didn’t want it. Our commanders in the Pacific were against it. The French people surely didn’t want “freedom” falling as bombs from the air.
Be sure to check out what Al Gore, Madeline Albright, George Soros, Moveon.org, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and other perennial favorites of this blog have to say about that earlier mighty clash between civilization and barbarity.
[via Brutally Honest]
I'm shamefully uninterested in "balance." I can't stand reading about people bad-mouthing the country.
Posted by: La Shawn Barber | June 10, 2004 at 12:38 PM
I'm with you, La Shawn. Did get a kick out of Hansen's perfect pitch re those awful RATS, though.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | June 10, 2004 at 12:45 PM