"The International Red Cross temporarily pulled out of Iraq on Nov. 8 because of the violence, which also had included a deadly car bomb outside the aid group's Baghdad headquarters on Oct. 27," reports Yahoo News [via Drudge]. November 8 is the day upon which most if not all of those pictures of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib were taken:
The day before, insurgents had downed a Black Hawk helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade near Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, killing six. Sixteen soldiers had died five days earlier when a shoulder-fired missile destroyed a Chinook transport helicopter near the flashpoint city of Fallujah.
Three Iraqi prisoners escaped in the four days before Nov. 8 — and an additional half-dozen detainees escaped on that day, according to the military's internal report prepared by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba. The pressure was on to get information from prisoners to help stop the attacks. "We've been working very hard to increase our intelligence capacity here," Sanchez told reporters in Iraq on Nov. 11. "We are not where we want to be yet."
We had known that the abuse came during Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and reflection, but who knew that November 8, 2003 also happened to be a day of "harmonic concordance"? According to astrostar:
This is the beginning of a new energy connection where we can have more direct access to the new energy the Group calls the Crystal Energy, which they have been talking about for the last two years . . . And although these new beginnings are exciting, they can also be quite stressful. For some, this energy shift will be a trigger for change, and for others it may be an opportunity to leave . . . We are at a grand junction in our evolution as humans. These are exciting times, and we can expect many changes very rapidly for the foreseeable future. Adjusting our attitudes to accept this change can make this transition much easier. New abilities are ahead for all of us, and we are at the very beginning. The whole idea is to enjoy the ride and not take life too seriously!
Cute, fun and funny. Like astrology itself. We are born to read into things. The clueless, like broken clocks, may be right at least twice a day.
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