Screen grab of John "Waffles" Kerry's official campaign website at #6 in straight Google "waffles" search
We got a fleeting glimpse of the promised land this morning: John "Waffles" Kerry's site was briefly at #6 in a Google "waffles" search at c. 6 o'clock EST. Good thing we got the screen grab.
Screen grab illustrates lame attempt of VLWC to attach "waffles" tag to wrong person
We tried typing "waffles" into a Technorati search last night and discovered there's a devilish Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy out there -- possibly being led by Oliver Willis (no relation) -- trying to counter the Lord's work by linking "waffles" not with its natural partner, John F. Kerry, but our own straight-shooting, anti-waffling leader, GW.
The demons are always lurking just outside the campfire waiting for the flames to die down. Keep the homefires burning by following this tip from our reader Eric at The Permanent Revolution:
Try making it so [your Kerry-linked "waffles" is] at the top of your blogroll or in some section [where] it won't get wiped out when your front page archives itself.
See our "Kerry Waffles Compact" logo midway down the right column for an example. Eric has his in left column at top of his blogroll. Any questions?
Just checked Google for Waffles at 10:42 am Central time.
First response, John Waffles Kerry's website.
Viva La Waffle Compact!!
Posted by: Eric 2 | April 14, 2004 at 11:43 AM
Now ten minutes later.... not even in the top five.
I suspect there are Kerry supporters at Google.
I'm going into the kitchen to make a tin foil hat as we speak.
Posted by: Eric 2 | April 14, 2004 at 11:54 AM