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« Out of the mouths of i-mailers | Main | It's "the strongest performance in a generation," stupid »

April 17, 2004


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Yes, Blogs for Bush has come in very useful today, as I ask the question of Bush supporters:

How does the Bush administration justify using chemically toxic, radioactive depleted uranium weapons ... weapons that are contaminating US servicemen and servicewomen? Isn't the use of such weapons a little hypocritical given the stated reasons for invading Iraq?

> Four soldiers from a New York Army National
> Guard company serving in Iraq are contaminated
> with radiation likely caused by dust from
> depleted uranium shells fired by U.S. troops


Some people argue that it is depleted uranium ammunitions fired by the USA during the first gulf war that caused a 12-fold increase in leukemia and lymphomas in Iraqi children and that caused a high incidence of congenital deformations in babies born in southern Iraq (caution, images at the following link are quite disturbing):

Are you referring to "Baghdad Boil"?

"What DiVona thought was a spider bite was actually caused by a tiny sand fly with a fierce parasite stewing in its gut, an organism that causes stubborn and ugly sores that linger for months."


Good job guys. Keep their minds off that aspirin factory I blew up!!! . . . and uh Bosnia . . . and uh those cruise missiles I sent to get their minds off monica . . .

Hey, Bubba. Thanks for stopping by. 'Heard you and Hil were drifting apart. It's a shame you two don't get 'long.

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