We've been blogging around the edges of this for some time, but now here comes The Boston Globe, liberal paper of record in these New England States, reporting possible FEC violations at the Kerry camp. Says blogger Perry on Politics:
Since his campaign is very low on cash, he is having to rely on his friends to run ads for him, namely Bush-haters George Soros and MoveOn.org. According to the Globe:
The Bush campaign and the Republican National Committee said they would file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission accusing Kerry and pro-Kerry groups of violating a campaign law that broadly bans the use of ''soft money'' corporate, union and unlimited individual donations to influence federal elections.
In a highly unusual move, the Bush campaign and RNC plan to ask the FEC to dismiss the complaint immediately so they can file a federal lawsuit to block the activities and force the groups to pay for presidential ads and get-out-the-vote drives with limited donations from individuals rather than soft money. Usually complainants pursue FEC action before going to court, but it can take months or even years for the commission to resolve complaints.
The GOP cited at least three factors it says prove coordination: links between people involved in some of the soft money groups and the Kerry campaign during the same election cycle; the timing of media buys in the same states and media markets; and TV stations receiving a Media Fund ad on Kerry's economic plan before Kerry publicly released the economic plan.
The ends justify the means to these people. Soros has already stated that he would give up his billion dollar fortune to get rid of President Bush.
Our i-mail correspondent couldn't believe the Globe would be turning on a Democratic candidate:
She: The GLOBE can't turn face this fast . . . they must have something HUGE on Bush and are trying to get this nastiness out of the way early, so they appear "fair and balanced". . .
We: They're obviously working for Hillary.
[via InstaPundit]
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