"Women may soon be given the vote in Saudi Arabia, or something like it," writes Gulf Reporter:
The Guardian reports that "It is believed both men and women will be given the opportunity to vote" in upcoming municipal elections, according to the Saudi embassy in London.While the elections represent a first for the country, they are little more than a token move in the right direction. As my sometime colleagues at
Gulf States Newsletter have written in the past, votes will be used to elect only half the members of the municipal councils . . .In future, however, such a move could prove important, depending on the course of reform in the Kingdom. Of course, there are some strong cultural prejudices to overcome. As The Guardian points out, "Among the arguments used against women's participation is that menstruation could cloud their political judgment."
We've heard arguments like that before, but we never let it hold us back. In our experience, especially when it comes to politics, the average man is at least as emotionally engaged as the average woman. To our Saudi sisters we say "You go, girls!"
I can think of no reason to suggest men are any less emotional than women. When it comes to voting, G-d help us all.
Posted by: goomp | March 10, 2004 at 06:09 PM
I'd actually wager that men are *less* rational when it comes to popularity contests like elections. (See? Even I refer to an election as a 'popularity contest'...)
Posted by: Mark Wallace | March 11, 2004 at 09:30 AM
I agree with you, Mark, and I think it's a Darwinian thing: Competing in "popularity contests like elections" is all about the quest for respect and honor amongst one's peers, which ultimately enhances one's reproductive fitness (as in "Power is the greatest aphrodisiac").
Posted by: Sissy Willis | March 11, 2004 at 10:57 AM
"Among the arguments used against women's participation is that menstruation could cloud their political judgment."
Ha! I wonder what the excuse will be when women in the Kingdom hear about, and start using, menstrual management.
Posted by: ema | March 24, 2004 at 06:21 PM
Thats our believe, not the other, just our believe....thats all.
Posted by: vb4art | September 09, 2007 at 12:16 AM