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« Forewarned, forearmed* | Main | Hajib or not hajib: that is the question »

March 30, 2004


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I find it rather odd that all the people you refer to in the above article are non-Muslims . . . I'd like to hear what Muslims have to say for themselves . . . wouldn't be too constructive if we had only people in Iraq know about us Americans through Iraqis . . . same with Iran/ Syria/ Afghanistan.

Hey there, Dara. Tell me more. One of the dearest loves of my life was a sweet Muslim gal from Indonesia named Ranti, a fellow grad student at Harvard Design School a few years back. We never discussed religion but shared many deeply spiritual moments of recognition of the beauty of the New England landscape. Then she was lost in a small plane crash in Indonesia with her father and brother the summer before graduation. I have never spoken to another Muslim since, other than through the internet.

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