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March 26, 2004


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i go thru the article-"what saudi women want" written by Al Huwayder. In my opinion saudi women must be given right of freedom what our sharia also say. here they r living as slaves,but in our great religion it's permissible to have equal right to women. only the thing is to be in accordance to sharia, which i also support.Saudi men they r actually caught in suspicion. they had every time something devil in their mind.They have inferiority complex n they boast themselves as man, but actually they are'nt.they actually donot have faith in their wives or daughters or sis.this is 'cos they donot believe in themselves.
the need of the time for my bro n sis n friends is that pls wake up n face the reality. i am also in support of hijab n sharia, but not to make woman as slaves n use them only for irrigation. they should be respected n treated well

hi my names mohd kafil uddin im an bengali expatriate living in saudi arabia, i think all saudi peoples must treat their wives, daugheters and siters in a calm manner, often i've seen many event that wives are being accused and beaten or divorced by their husbands for a simple reasons....infact i like many saudi girls, they are very religious...since im a muslim its my desrie to marry a girl full of religious and saudi girls is one of the best choice of me but im not allowed to marry a saudi girl because of not being a saudi citizenship, i dont understand what kind of rule is it??? i feel very sad about it, saudi government should allow muslim expatriate to marry saudi womens......

أهلا وسهلا
hi thare

HELLO EVERY BODY,I AGREE WIHT THE ABOVE MENTIONED CONTENTS OF LETTER. All muslim belongs to same family of Prophet Mohammud (s.w.s)j.Saudi nation has got very rich history and all Muslim are proud of them and i would love to do some service for them spcially in field of education. Saudi society needs some close interaction with rneowned MUSLIM SCHOLARS SO THAT GOODWILL CAN BE PROMOTED AMONG MUSLIM COUNTRIES WHICH IS DESPERATELY NEEDED. SAUDI WOMEN SPECIALLY BE TARGETTED FOR HIGHIER EDUCATION TO PLAY BETTER AND MORE CHALLENGING ROLE IN SOCIETY. ABDUL JALEEL

I think that Saudis are very ignorant society
because they think that minute a women goes of the house she is going to fuck the first men she meets. I think that when they travel overseas alot of Saudis see how difficultit really is to fuck every women on the street in Europe or in America. So please leave women alone

i have read whats written above some i agree and alot i dont specially that i am a soudi woman who was born and educated in saudi arabia lived with a loving father and 3 brothers i never felt that my brother is treated better than me.i think saudi arabia is like any other county some women are lucky to have good parents and good husbend who treat them respectfully and some dont but i bleave that there are things in saudi arabia that needs changing but there are alot of good peaple women and men.

I just want you guys to see the other side of the coin also, where the man is victimised.

This happened to a friend of mine who was married to a Saudi woman. They are now divorced, the reasons which I will now explain.

The guy was 23 (British Muslim with a Eastern background) and was studying at a well known university in the UK where he met a Saudi woman aged 28 (I must admit she was very pretty for her age), she was from a prominent family from Riyadh. He was married to her and she decided to take him to Riyadh where he would spend the next 2 years.

After a few months passed, he was treated badly by the woman. He was not able to go out unless she was with him or where the driver would take him with prior approval from her. His only friends were some Saudi students he knew in the UK who had come back home.

He was provided with all the materialistic things but lost his freedom and was at the mercy of his wife. He was staying in the 10 bedroom family villa, 2 of which were for the couples use. She took his British passport and even barred him from visiting the UK again to see his family and friends. At times when he wished not to be intimate with the wife things got very violent, even to the point where she threatened to kill him.

Things got so bad that he had to flee Saudi Arabia with the help of friends, while she was at her office in the city.

Why did she get away with this? She was from a family with connections to the government and local authorities. Even the womans father was at times threatening him, whenever he feared that the guy might leave his daughter.

The guy is now well in the UK, recovered from this traumatic experience.

I am glad to hear that a man is illtreated by a women,i think i should say that the man is impotent since instead to taking the challenge ,the man feared women, now i challenge any women who has the same will can come near me and see me,i wish to marry a saudi women ,anyone are welcome

Well all is said and heard. But we have to keep in mind that we live in a world full of good and bad people. whats important and what makes a difference is how we live our lives, as nothing is perfect. Perfection is what you make of it, by talking about issues, to dis agree to agree as there is always a light at the end of every turnel.

Marriage is like body where the man is the Head to over see the future and a woman is the body thats holds together the head with the rest of the body. Men and women can live side by side. As they say " behind a successful man there is always a good woman" and vice verse.

Muslim throughout the world must measure up to their religion. Allah has given us His guidance so we should be grateful and follow . Early people who failed their religion, were punished. Now, Some Muslims around the world are punished for violating their religion. Let us not follow atheism and materialism under the guise of education or freedom because these are the roads to satan's hedonistic world of aids, of crimes, of wines, of prostitution, of addiction, of wars, etc.

The main problem with Saudi Arabia or the whole gulf is, ISLAM is not taught there instead it is imposed. It is a human nature to oppose the imposition which is against his will and understanding. So most of the people there are Muslims (namesake) not knowing what ISLAM expects from them. Why to blame the religion for people's ignorance? Arabs by nature are rude, uncouth and presumptous,ISLAM changed them a lot, this can be seen the way why so many MESSENGERS OF GOD came to this place. Overall i would say its a curse of all the expats working there haunting Saudi or the whole gulf. They discriminated others, now they are getting discriminated. ISLAM is the solution of the whole life and hereafter, not for individual adventures. So please dont bring ISLAM and no way Saudi behaviour marks or represents ISLAM in anyway.

I need Saudi woman to marry for one month every year and to stay with me in alexandria,egypt, she should be rich, beautiful, I have small apartment in alexandria empty, I am a professor in the faculty of engineerin.

Hello everyone on this forum and to great brave lady who initiated women's freedom cause in Saudi Arabia.I salute to this outstanding lady. I lived in Saudi Arabia for about 15 years while working for a foreign mission. There are unbelieveable facts about priviliged women and families in that country. It was early 70's and 80's the start of the present modren Saudi Arabia. Saudi are great people with some human bad habits because of oil wealth. Girls are wonderful but edict to easy life. The storeis and experience of different people are always interesting and can be found every where. Rich and people with authority have the same psychology all over the world. That's why rule of law is requiredSaudi women whould also get the right share of freedom comparing to their men who travel all over the world and spend money for dirty women and drinks. Wish the best of luck for Saudi women and they are welcome to the real land of freedom- beyond limit freedom of United States of America. It will be my honour toguide and help out these brave female from Saudi Arabia.

I am Jewish and live in NY. I am very interested in understanding different religions and different cultures- especially cultures of the Middle East because there is so much strife and misunderstanding between people there and people in other areas of the world. I respect everyone's differences, but am especially interested in understanding the saudi culture and women's roles within it because those roles seem so different than the role s of women I am accustomed to. I want very much to learn about how women experience their lives in saudi arabia.

No offense, but saudi women i met inside da kingdom as well as in europe and north america, r the most desperate females in da whole world---its not generalization but a bitter fact----yes, most of them r indeed intelligent but the restrictions that r placed on them make them depressed---Most saudi men, r insecure and impotent by nature and i know this firsthand since i worked in a mental health institute both in da kingdom as well as in europe---many saudi women confided 2 me that their hubbies were insecure and mentally sick and believed that their wives were unfaithful---many of them confessed that they were not sexually satisfied by their hubbies and had 2 find young lovers while safely outside da kingdom---and many of these females were married as opposed 2 being single---no offense, but i had sexual relationships with about a dozen of married saudi women---a couple in saudi but most outside in europe or gulf. its a shame that saudi adheres to this narrow, rigid wahabi cult which places saudi women at da mercy of their jealous husbands---its a shame that such talent is being consistently destroyed.

Saudi Women is pride of Islam and they are very happy enjoying their life.

I have close relationship with Saudi families... and the women has more rights then man.
She is happy to follow islam... i support them and the society and culture... saudi lady is educated, mature and understanding... they dont need west and western culture who motivates them for violence...



F*** Saudi Arabia.

I saw a video on YouTube that tried to prove that women in that country are not oppressed, because contrary to popular belief, THEY CAN ACTUALLY LEAVE THEIR HOUSES ALONE! WOW! Never mind the fact that they have to dress like f***ing Darth Vader in those creepy abayas, have a man drive them whenever they want to go somewhere (since there's a ban on their driving), and need the permission from a male relative (husband, father, or even son) to do things such as work, leave the country, or get health care.

Also they must wear their black robes even in their own homes if there are male visitors who are not relatives, and just to make segregation more prominent than it already is, women and men have separate doors to enter in houses and separate dining tables.

I won't even get into other reasons why Saudi Arabia s***s b***s, or I'd go on forever. It just p****es me off when people try to prove that this country isn't a repressive s***hole because it obviously is. Those politically correct, pro-theocracy dullards should go live there if they seriously think it's as good as living in a place like America or Europe.

I love Saudi Woman and want to marry beautiful saudi woman or girl, should be beautiful, fair, rich, thank you for repling on this e-mail, for further action.

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