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February 29, 2004


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The stained-glass windows recall my childhood. Now in my eighties, I recall these late 1800 houses were abundant in the neighborhoods in which I grew up. I lived in two of them. One on Babcock Street in Brookline had a furnished front hall 25 x 40, a den, a study, a living room, a music room, and enclosed heated sun room, a dining room, a butler's pantry, a storage pantry, a 30 x 20 kitchen and a back hall, six bedrooms, a pool hall, a sewing room and servants quarters of three bedrooms. There were four bathrooms and a lavatory. In addition the stables were nearly as large as the house and included quarters for the chauffeur. Unfortunately it was turned into a day school and then later torn down to make an apartment house. I lived here with my grandmother from 1925 until she died in 1930. I then moved to my other grandmother's home in Melrose. It was of the same vintage, but on a far less grandiose scale. It still stands on its one-acre lot.

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